
Gianluigi Greco

Gianluigi Greco is full professor of Computer Science at the University of Calabria, where he has held the position of Director of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science since 2018.

His research interests range in various fields of Artificial Intelligence, from the study of methods and techniques for representation and automatic reasoning on knowledge bases, to the definition of coordination and collaboration mechanisms in multi-agent systems, to the development of algorithms responding to principles of fairness in the context of AI systems for decision-making. His research activities have received numerous awards in leading international conferences and journals in the sector, including the IJCAI Distinguished Paper Award in 2018 and the IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Award in 2008. He is EurAI Fellow, the most prestigious award conferred by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI); he also received a Kurt Goedel Research Prize Fellowship from the Kurt Goedel Society, and he was awarded the AIxIA Marco Somalvico Award in 2009. He is a member of the editorial board of numerous computer-science journals and, in particular, he is Associate Editor of the Artificial Intelligence Journal.

Parallel to the scientific activities, prof. Greco is active on the technology transfer front, coordinating some initiatives with industrial partnerships focused on the use of AI technologies in specific production chains, participating in scientific boards of poles for innovation and business acceleration, and having promoted some start-up initiatives based on AI systems.