Emanuela Girardi
Emanuela Girardi is the founder and president of Pop AI (Popular Artificial Intelligence), a non-profit association which aims to explain people what artificial intelligence technologies are and what impact they have on people’s daily lives. She is a member of the group of artificial intelligence experts appointed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development to elaborate the Italian national AI strategy and as such she has co-written the Italian AI strategy. She is a member of the Advisory Board of CLAIRE, the Confederation of Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratories in Europe, the largest community of scientists, researchers and technologists in artificial intelligence in the world.
She is a Member of the Board of Directors of ADRA, the European Association on AI, Data and Robotics, which works with the European Commission to implement Horizon Europe’s 2021-2027 investment plan.
Emanuela holds a degree in Business Administration from the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan and a CEMS (Community of European Management Schools) Master’s degree from the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve (Belgium).
She has lived, studied and worked in various European countries and the United States. In her early career she worked in high-tech sectors such as mobile telecommunications, broadband (FTTH, fiber optics at home), video streaming services. Subsequently, she became an entrepreneur, managing an Italian commercial company in the automotive sector where she committed herself to the introduction of new technologies and the digital transformation of the business.